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- Universal Children’s Day on 20 November
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November
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Representatives of government and donor agencies working with Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar at a meeting stressed on the need for reforms in national policy to meet requirements in delivering proper healthcare service in the refugee camps. The Rohingyas coming from Myanmar are quite conservative and less educated which hinder proper sexual and reproductive health care service, they told a “Stakeholders’ meeting on SRHR and Gender” jointly organized by UNFPA and PSTC at Sayeman Beach Resort on 12 December. Besides representatives from the local administration, various international development agencies and local NGOs, the Dutch Ambassador Ms Leoni M Cuelenaere, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netrherlands Dr. Annie Vestjens, visiting official of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Angelique van der Made, Population Council country director Dr. Ubaidur Rob and EKN senior advisor Ms. Mushfiqua Z Satia were present at the meeting. More than 700,000 Rohingyas have taken refuge in the makeshift camps on the hills of Ukhiya and Teknaf upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district since August 25, 2017. Healthcare service and overall security major issues in Rohingya camps. Additional Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Ashraf Hossain said the government has been able to smoothen the relief distribution system. He said the government was worried about environmental degradation and the state security. “It is very easy to misuse them (Rohingyas) because they are less educated,” he warned. In his opening remarks UNFPA’s Senior Emergency Coordinator Mr. Coquelin Bernard said considering the speed and magnitude of the Rohingya crisis the needs remain staggering and the funds received are far from adequate. Unicef’s Dr. Nada Hamza informed that nearly 300,000 women in the camps are of reproductive age while 60,000 were now pregnant. Lack of access to water and latrines are putting pregnant mothers at risk. She mentioned the shortcomings of the present referral guidelines and informed that the nearest hospital facilities are at least one hour away if ambulance is available. Dr. Mahbubul Alam of Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) detailed PSTC’s health camp activities in Balukhali and Kutupalong. SANJOG PAGE December 2017 \ 11 Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital’s Resident Medical Officer Shaheen Abdur Rahman informed that patients with various diseases including Hepatitis-E virus are reporting to the hospital. Pointing at the 0.8 per cent prevalence HIV infection in Myanmar, he informed that already 109 new HIV positive cases have been reported among the Rohingya patients. Population Council Country Director Dr. Ubaidur Rob in his deliberation highlighted the importance of having birth attendants and distribution of contraceptives including condoms in the camps. Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mohammad Noman Hossain said measures should be taken to stop child marriage in the camps while facilities for pregnant mothers should be increased. Issues of midwives and temporary birth attendants, and increasing manpower in government facilities if possible with support from development partners also came up during the discussion. Some of the speakers raised the issue of security in the camps and stressed on intensifying vigilance to check women trafficking and gender-based violence. PSTC Executive Director Dr. Noor Mohammad moderated the meeting also attended by Assistant Superintendant of Police Saiful Alam Bhuiyan, UNFPA officials Saba Zariv and Fatema Sultana, Upazila Family Planning Officer Syed Ahmed, Women and Children Affairs official Subrata Biswas, and local government officials including Shaheed Abdur Rahman Chowdhury, Shah Alam and Mohammad Siraj.
Visiting President of Population Council Ms. Julia Bunting visited Cox’s Bazar on 6 and 7 May, 2018 to see for herself the activities and the condition at the Rohingya camps. Population Council’s Country Director Dr. Ubaidur Rob, PSTC Executive Director Dr. Noor Mohammad, PSTC’s Head of Program and SANGJOG Team leader Julia Bunting visits Rohingya camp sangjog page May 2018 \ 9 Dr. Mahbubul Alam were among others present on the occasion. On the first day of her visit, Julia Bunting witnessed PSTC-SANGJOG field activities through attending a courtyard session with transport workers at the Cox’s Bazar truck stand. She later also saw a peer session with floating sex workers at the PSTC field office. She inquired the participants whether they are being benefitted with the SRHR information. The next morning on 7 May, 2018, the visiting dignitary went on a visit to the Rohingya camps in Balukhali Ukhiya of Cox’s Bazar. There she witnessed the activities of PSTC at the Emergency Health Camp where she talked with the staff members and the Rohingyas who came for treatment. She also witnessed the activities of some other organizations including the Children Friendly Centre of Unicef and wased Friendly space of UNFPA.
Voice from the field
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by adminAs a Community Sells Agent, Ms. Luthfa become Self Sustainable
Just one and half years back Luthfa was a mere House Keeper to feed two of her children even with her mentally ill husband and barely living on their means. Only for the lack of financial ability, she had to make her two elder daughters marry at their early age. And here is the Story of Luthfa regarding her struggle to be solvent enough to make her third daughter became an Honors’ student and even manage the huge expense for the treatment of her defiantly able husband.
Luthfa was born in a house of poor farmer Md. Khalil Sheikh of Vatimbuk village of Sirajdikhan, Munshiganj and got marry at an early age. After marriage, she came to know that her husband was mentally disable and unable to earn any means. She had to work as housekeeper at others’ residence to support her family. After a while as the family grew with three daughters and a son, it was impossible for her to bear the family expense any more. So yet again, to reduce the burden, her eldest two daughters got married early. Subsequently she was impaled to think about the early marriage of college going youngest daughter and while her youngest son was not in the school yet. Her dream of making her children educated, self-sufficient and established in the society were about to be burnt.
In November 2016, Luthfa met Nasrin Akter Munni, a Community Mobilizer of “Notundin” program of PSTC and came to know about the program activities. Luthfa express her dream and her current situation to Munni. Munni described the opportunity of Community Sales Agent (CSA) of Notundin by selling the health related products of Social Marketing Company (SMC) at door to door in the community. Upon Luthfa’s integration to become a CSA, she started with a mere capital of Taka Four Hundred only. At the first month, she managed to contribute to her children education from her earned profit. She realized the benefits of this process of work and apprehended that it might reach her to her well-wished dream. She started to work and walk harder from village to village intended to earn profit and raise her capital as well as established her image as a trustworthy CSA with adequate health related knowledge. Within a short span of time, she raised her capital to Taka Ten Thousand and from her hard-earned profit, she began to support her family the way she never thought of – her daughter continued her study for her HSC exam and her son admitted to school.
In these recent days, the capital of Luthfa rises to Taka Twenty Thousand and her profit is close to Taka Ten Thousand per month. Her daughter is studying in National University and her son is in Class II. Now SHE CANbear the expensive cost of her husband’s psychological treatment as well.
Join our Team
/4 Comments/in Get Involved /by adminWe welcome young, energetic and innovative personalities to join our team of professionals who work for the population and development.
Drop your CV and/or look for calls time to time
For further details, please contact: or
Young Professionals Program
/0 Comments/in Get Involved /by adminPopulation Services and Training Center (PSTC) is looking for qualified candidates who are ready to launch a professional career as a Young Professional. The young professionals program (YPP) is a recruitment initiative that brings new talent to PSTC through an annual intake by competitive entrance process. For young, aspirant and motivated to work for the humanity across the country, the YPP is a platform for launching a career at the development world through PSTC. This program builds upon the national competitive recruitment process which would be held in the month of December each year for the following year.
- Are you eligible to participate in the young professionals program?
- Do you hold at least a first-level university degree?
- Are you 30 or younger by the end of this year?
- Do you speak either Bangla and/or English fluently?
- Are you a national of Bangladesh?
The recruitment is done once a year and is open to nationals of Bangladesh participating in the annual recruitment exercise – the list of participating institutes and/or from individuals is published annually and varies from year to year.
Through the recruitment process your substantive knowledge, analytical thinking, drafting abilities, as well as your awareness of development issue are tested.
Initially you will be appointed for one year and then be reviewed for a continuing appointment. PSTC promotes mobility within and across duty stations and job families. As a new recruit you are expected to work in a different duty station for your detailed assignment. You will be offered orientation and mobility training as well as career support. This will help you adapt and accelerate the learning period leading to productive work and job satisfaction as a young development professional.
The YPP is a unique opportunity for young professionals who have both a passion for development work and the leadership potential to grow in fascinating technical and managerial roles in PSTC. The program is designed for highly qualified and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to technical/operations; such as social sciences, population sciences, education, public health, economics, finance, human resources, engineering, planning, international relations to name a few.
To be competitive, candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to development, proven academic success, professional achievement, and leadership capability.
Additional Qualifications
To be competitive for the limited number of positions, a combination of the following credentials is highly desirable:
- Display a commitment and passion for development field
· Possess good academic credentials
· Exhibit excellent client engagement and team leadership skills
Program Features
Professional Experience
Young Professionals (YP) are expected to make significant contributions toward their unit’s work program while they gain a broad overview of PSTC policies and work. As part of the YPs yearlong program and in line with their units’ business needs and Young Professionals’ interests, they will undertake a business driven rotational “stretch/exposure” assignment where they will gain valuable on-the-job experience.
A comprehensive development curriculum has been designed to ensure that YPs develop a development oriented mindset, gain the foundational learning needed to understand and contribute to PSTC, and build the competencies required for an entry-level position: collaboration, leadership, integrative thinking, and innovation skills, while strengthening a culture of continuous learning.
The curriculum includes a blend of learning activities in a PSTC cohort, small groups or individually. These activities range from onboarding activities, e-learning, cohort discussions with PSTC Top Management Team (TMT) and leadership training, to career development conversations and networking opportunities.
Coaching and Mentoring
YP Buddy: Before they join, Young Professionals are assigned an YP buddy from the previous year’s group, based on their professional interests and cultural background. YP buddies help new recruits to better settle in the new organization and location, as well as to understand the expectations and challenges of the program.
Technical Buddy: In their hiring units, an experienced colleague is assigned as a “go-to person” to answer technical questions in their fields.
PSTC Mentor: Once they have settled into their jobs, Young Professionals can be paired with a technical senior colleague who can mentor them on topics such as career options, “stretch/exposure” assignment opportunities, and help them gain insight into the organizational culture.
Youth Program Team: The Youth Program Team is dedicated to recruiting and helping integrate Young Professionals into PSTC. The team coordinates activities designed to support YPs, including mentoring and guidance, helps develop career strategies, and others. The Youth Program Team is a one-stop shop for Young Professionals looking for support and guidance.
Compensation and Benefits
Salary: As an entry-level professional in PSTC, Young Professionals are offered a lump sum salary, based on their education and professional experience.
Application Essay for the 2020 Selection Process
The global community is racing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within the next decade, with trillions of dollars needed to deliver on the promise. Overlapping crises, from climate change to pandemics, natural disasters to forced displacement, threaten to erase hard-earned development gains, and historic economic changes, in part from technological advancement and disruption, present risks for countries, but also opportunities if they have made the necessary investments in their people, communities, and economies to take advantage of them.
The world needs partners that can help meet the challenges of today, while making the investments to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. By offering financing, knowledge, experience, and a long-term commitment to its native land, PSTC is a trusted partner for the govt. to help achieving basic needs and advance the 2030 sustainable development agenda. With a mission to work for population and development, PSTC supports the development work in five thematic areas: population health & nutrition (PHN), youth & adolescent development (YAD), gender and governance (GAG), climate change & adaptation (CCA), and skills education & training (SET).
Describe in fewer than 1,000 words your own contribution to PSTC’s mission (if you were to work for PSTC) and the potential role of PSTC in resolving some of the above challenges. You may focus on a particular thematic area or set of themes as well as your area of interest to describe your proposal.

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Population Services and Training Center House # 93/3, Road # 8, Block – C, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. Tel: +88 02 9884402